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图标 名称 类别 等级
钪(Sc) 普通道具 0
Discarded Christmas Chest 箱子类 0
Discarded Christmas Chest (open) 箱子类 0
School Bag Black 配件类 50
School Bag Black.G 配件类 50
School Bag Black.DG 配件类 50
School Bag Black.XG 配件类 50
School Bag Red 配件类 50
School Bag Red.G 配件类 50
School Bag Red.DG 配件类 50
School Bag Red.XG 配件类 50
Iron Rascal Rabbit Costume [GM Event] 时装类 0
Damage Scuba Fins.XG 防具类 1
Magic Scuba Fins.XG 防具类 1
Normal Scuba Fins.XG 防具类 1

Discarded Christmas Chest (open)

等級限制 0(0)
This is one of the Chests that were discarded by Santa since the key to open it has been stolen.。
购买价格 - 0s
出售价格 - 0s
喂养值 - 0
PT值 - 0