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4th step of Piya Elimination 任务道具 0

4th step of Piya Elimination

获得声望 8870(0)
职业限制 全职业
等級限制 0(0)
Request from Captain Janet. Mutated Piya is trying to take revenge on the human who killed the Piyas. We are about to start 4 steps to clear Mutated Piya. As the 4th step, go get 10 soul of warrior from Warrior Piya in Silon Forest.。
购买价格 - 0s
出售价格 - 0s
喂养值 - 0
PT值 - 0
?? ?? ?? 4?? 国服
?? ?? ?? 4?? 台服简体
?? ?? ?? 4?? 台服繁体
4th step of Piya Elimination 美服