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ID 名称 属性 等级 HP
10199 Succubus 75 12159
10200 Succubus 75 12463
10201 Succubus 75 12775
10532 [Proficient]Succubus 无属性 85 14784
10533 [Proficient]Succubus 无属性 85 15153
10534 [Proficient]Succubus 无属性 85 15532
10721 [Naive] Succubus 无属性 66 8817
10722 [Naive] Succubus 无属性 66 9037
10723 [Naive] Succubus 无属性 66 9263
12030 [Berserker]Succubus 300 60
怪物名称 Lv75Succubus 属性
HP 12159 攻击力 449
经验值 42271 防御力 266
出现地图 遗迹森林、奇幻树海
道具类 宝石类 装备类
Piya-gra (0%)

U (0%)

Soul of Swordsman (5.625%)

Hot Blood (36%)

Bundle of Dreams (40%)

Bird Egg (0.04%)

Production Manual(Accessory)33 (0.1125%)

Pink Bird Egg (0.002%)

Piya-gra (1%)

Grain of Sand (85%)

Crystal (0.522%)

Ruby (0.632%)

Diamond (0.1125%)

Pink Diamond (0%)

White Spirit (0.01%)

Geranium (0%)

Wings of Succubus (0.08%)

Laureate.s Suit(B) (1.4%)

Anima Suit(B) (1.4%)

Prometheus.G (0.07%)

Clothes of Grandeur(B) (0.1%)

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